Organizers of MUNOH 2017
Secretaries General
Honorable participants of MUNoH 2017, we are Milena and Marvin the Secretaries General of next years MUNoH conference. We are delighted to guide you through our upcoming conference by setting the rules of procedure and ensuring the issues discussed at the conference are well chosen, interesting to the delegates and chairs participating, and relevant to the current political situation. In addition, we are responsible for allocating the countries represented by the participating schools from all over the world. Since between the two of us we will have participated in over 17 conferences before the beginning of MUNoH, we have the experience to create the most unforgettable week possible for everyone.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email us anytime at secretary-general“at“
Yours sincerely,
Milena Steffen and Marvin Gambusch
Conference Management
Dear ad-staff, delegates, chairs and MUN-Directors, we, Selene Damm, Nina Metzendorff, Vanessa Meyer and Katharina Wenck are honored to be the Conference Managers of MUNoH 2017!
We are responsible for the Opening and Closing Ceremonies as well as for everything working smoothly during the conference.
We are excited to host another great conference and to welcome so many international students.
We are looking forward to seeing all of you interact with each other and participate actively in the debates.
We hope you will have an inspiring MUN experience in Hamburg. If you have any questions please let us know by contacting: conference-manager"at"
See you in October, Katharina, Nina, Selene and Vanessa.
President of the General Assembly
Hello and welcome to MUNoH 2017!
My name is Lisa Dudek, and I will be your President of the General Assembly at MUNoH 2017.
At the time of the conference I will be 18 years old.
Together with my amazing team I will make sure that this MUN conference is an unforgettable one for you! I hope you will enjoy our conference and our beautiful city, Hamburg. I will also put all my efforts into supporting you and my team of student officers so that you are prepared for and confident during the debates.If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via email: pga"at"!
I am looking forward to the great, productive and fun time we will have together at MUNoH 2017!
warm regards,
Lisa Dudek
Heads of Secretariat
Hello and welcome to MUNOH 2017! We, Inshall Ahmed Qureshi, Luka Föllmer and Colin Casey, are the Heads of Secretariat. We currently attend 11th grade of Gymnasium Meiendorf and this is our second conference. Our tasks are mainly the management of all lists and to design and print your 'badges'. Also we retain all important sheets (note sheets, amendment sheets). We plead to all of you to register punctually, so we have enough time to print your badges in time before the conference. If you need an overview of who participates where, feel free to contact us during the conference in our office.
We hope you will have a great time and a lot of fun at MUNoH 2017.
Best regards Colin, Luka and Inshall.
Heads of Admin Staff
We are the Head of AdminStaffTeam. We are Svea, Philipp and Marko. It is our responsibility to keep the conference running with the help of our AdminStaff. Preparing rooms for the debates, providing food and beveragesand helping in the committees is our task, to create a successful and smoothly running MUNoH for all participants.
Your Heads of AdStaff
Financial Management
Hello, we are Tom Luca Schleden and Max Widegreen from the International Relations Profile at Gymnasium Meiendorf. We are the financial management of MUNoH 2017. Our task is to take care of the finances for the Conference, to find sponsors and to distribute the money to the respective organs. If you are interested in supporting MUNoH 2017 as a sponsor or if you have any questions, write an e-mail to financial-management(at) Your financial management Tom Luca Schleden and Max Widegreen.
Internal Delegate Supervisors
Dear participants of MUNoH 2017,
We, Virginia Pistoll (17) and Lea Hansen (18) are excited to be this year’s Internal Delegate Supervisors. We are both currently attending 11th grade at Gymnasium Meiendorf. Our main task as Internal Delegate Supervisors (short IDS) is to prepare the delegates from Gymnasium Meiendorf for our own conference and conferences abroad by planning and organizing fun debates and workshops. Our aim is to help especially the first-timers to understand the rules and procedures of MUN, to practice writing Position Papers and Resolution and to improve debating skills. We look forward to seeing you all at MUNoH 2017.
Yours sincerely, Virginia Pistoll and Lea Hansen
We are Eva Dickmann, Jonas Gampe and Annika Gedlek and we are the Heads of Press and Press Relations of this year's MUNoH Conference. We are part of the International Relations course and currently attending 11th grade at Gymnasium Meiendorf.
As Head of Press it is our task to draw public attention to our conference and publish the MUNoH magazine where we hope to capture the spirit of the conference. We hope that you will enjoy the conference and have a great time in Hamburg.
We are looking forward to seeing you at MUNoH 2017!
Yours sincerely,
Eva, Jonas, Annika
Student Supervisors
Hello and welcome to MUNOH 2017!
Hey everybody,we are Jonas Dieckmann, Melissa Bauer and Moritz Schnöckel and we are the Student Supervisors of this years MUNOH 2017 conference.
We are currently attending eleventh grade of GyMei. Our duty is to find host families for our international guests. Therefore we are going to find lovely host families for you,
so you can have a great time here in Hamburg, the most beautiful city.Feel free to contact us via e-mail ( if you are interested in becoming a host family or if you have any questions.
We are looking forward to hearing from you.
Liebe zukünftigen Gastfamilien, wir sind Jonas Dieckmann, Melissa Bauer und Moritz Schnöckel und unsere Aufgabe ist es Gastfamilien für unsere Gäste zu finden, die bei der MUNOH Konferenz teilnehmen. Wenn Sie Interesse haben jemanden aufzunehmen, finden Sie hier ein Link für das Anmeldeformular. Falls fragen aufkommen, können Sie uns gerne eine E-Mail schreiben ( freundlichen Grüßen Jonas, Melissa und Moritz
Best regards, Your Student Supervisors Jonas, Melissa and Moritz
Event Management
Hello and welcome to MUNOH 2017!
We, Aline Hà (17) and Julia Tabibi (17), are the Event Management for this year's MUNoH conference. We are both students of Gymnasium Meiendorf and are currently attending 11 grade. This will be our 4th conference and we are very excited. Our job is to ensure that all students have a fun time here in Hamburg and have the chance to get to know new people. We organize the official MUN-Party and many other evening activities such as the Night Life Tour and the Committee Evening. We hope you will all have a great time at the MUNoH 2017 conference and a lot of fun! We are looking forward to see all of you.
Yours sincerely,
Aline Hà and Julia Tabibi
Head of Media Staff
My name is Louise Karohl and I am the Head of Media Staff for MUNOH 2016. I was a member of the Media Staff at MUNOH 2014 and 2015. I am going to be responsible for the team that is taking pictures of you during the conference and the events. I am looking forward to the conference and to taking some lovely photos of you guys. So when you see me - SMILE!
Head of Kitchen Staff
Dear participants and guests of MUNOH 2017!
We, Kristin Albrecht and Thomas Brimm, the Heads of Kitchen for this year´s conference. We both are currently attending 11th grade at Gymnasium Meiendorf. We assisted at the MUNoH 2016 as Add-Staff in Media-Staff and as Delegate. As you guys have probably noticed by now, we will be responsible for, of course healthy and tasty, meals so you will be able to debate energetically and successfully. We are looking forward to nourishing you, and don't forget: you’re not yourself, when you’re hungry!
Best Best regards,
your Heads of Kitchen.
Heads of Computer Staff
Dear participants and guests of MUNOH 2017.
We are Rames and Daniel, Head of Computer Staff for this year’s conference. We will make sure that the MUN webpage is updated and that it won’t come to any major technical problems during the conference. This will be our second conference and we will give our best to support you wherever we can. If you need help or any support send us an e-mail (computer-staff”at”, it would be a pleasure for us to help you. We are looking forward with excitement to the MUNOH 2017 conference and to meeting you!
Kind Regards, Daniel and Rames