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Model United Nations of Hamburg

Student Officers

1st Committee

Main Chair: Lisa Dudek

Deputy Chair: Lina Krüger

3rd Committee

Main Chair: Alexandra Bourus

Deputy Chair: Henry Behrens

4th Committee

Main Chair: Alexandra Damerau

Deputy Chair: Melissa Bauer

6th Committee

Main Chair: Lithy Chaudhuri

Deputy Chair: Nahum Negash

Human Rights Council

President: Patrick Freyer

Vice President: Oskar Ensinger

Environmental Assembly

President: Edward Nordby-Graves

Vice President: Chara Demosthenous

Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

President: Gustav Olvdal

Vice President: Björn Haubold

Special Committee on UN

Main Chair: Benjamin Hinz

Deputy Chair: Anette Saaugaard

Security Council

President:Clara Schweinbach

Vice President:Charles Burns