In order to make it easier for you to do research in preparation to MUNOH (or any MUN), here you will find some useful tips, tricks and links.
At first, it is a great idea to gain a basic overview about your issues. The easiest way to do this is reading the research reports which you will find if you follow the link on the issue. This report is written by your chair and should help you in your research. Other great alternatives are pages like or, which offer a huge amount of information. But you should never rely on only one source; the internet can be a bad place. Furthermore, you can get much information from newspapers; have a look in their archives if you cannot find your topic easier.
In addition, you can take a look on the official UN-website
( or on specific regional information centers (such as for Western Europe) to find some information about your issues.
If possible, you can also contact the local representation of your given county,and ask them (kindly) if they can send you information, statements or useful links about the position of the country.
If this is not possible, have a look on the official websites of your country. With a little searching you should be able to find useful information.
Last but not least you should keep an eye on the news, to learn more about the Issue.
If you really cannot find anything, you can always contact the Secretaries General at secretary-general(at), your local teacher or your chairs/presidents (contact possibilities you should be able to find in the research report) for help.